20121820.ARCHIVAL--page-12__9_.jpg Público
Detalhes Do Ficheiro
- Depositante
- softserv@scientist.com
- Data Carregado
- 2025-01-14
- Data Modificada
- 2025-01-14
- Fixidez De Seleção
- Fixity checks have not yet been run on this object
- Caracterização
Byte Order: big endianCompression: JPEGHeight: 3730Width: 2474Color Space: YCbCrProfile Name: Artifex Software sRGB ICC ProfileProfile Version: 2.1.0File Format: jpeg (JPEG File Interchange Format)Format Label: JPEG File Interchange FormatFile Size: 552484Well Formed: trueMime Type: image/jpeg
Atividade do Usuário | Encontro |
User softserv@scientist.com has attached /concern/file_sets/50bb5ee3-c514-4446-8917-b4c54d093a08 to W_1.17 |
User softserv@scientist.com has deposited /concern/file_sets/50bb5ee3-c514-4446-8917-b4c54d093a08 |